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SOIL:[SITE INVESTIGATION]Portable Direct Shear Apparatus “ LST ”

MIS-233-1-71, MIS-233-1-73

[Outline of Product Technology]

This direct shear apparatus provides reliable data quickly using specimen that are not agitated while observing the site.
It can be used in fields and appropriate for landslide prediction research.


Type MIS-233-1-71

Attache case box for testing device Used also for water
Shear specimen box Upper box, lower box, upper lid, bottom lid
Shear load 2 kN force gauge
Shear load device (jack) Manual handle
Vertical load device Beam, balance
Shear displacement measurement Linear scale

Type MIS-233-1-73

Vertical loading frame
(with loading handle)
2 kN force gauge
Vertical displacementmeasurement Dial gauge 20 - 0.01 mm
Shear load 2 kN force gauge
Other specifications As mentioned above
